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Topic subjectToo much Taika, but this is the best Thor story yet.
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745237, Too much Taika, but this is the best Thor story yet.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Jul-17-22 12:56 PM
First: This shit was way too quippy.

They undercut *every* serious, heartfelt moment with a joke.

That's a serious mistake that does undermine the movie. It kills certain scenes.

Taika needs a filter. Dial that shit back a bit.

My other gripe is, there weren't enough dramatic moments to flesh that out. I was good with the bit with the kids- especially at the end- but I'd rather have seen more of Gor's backstory than watching him rip the head off a space snake, though it was fucking hilarious.

But Thor quietly ascends to more of an Odin level God here, and I'm with it.

I *loved* the way he unwittingly put the incantation on Mjolnir to protect Jane. IMO, that was the perfect setup for this. Again- that's Odin level shit.

Then, he deliberately does the same for a whole army of kids. LOVED it.

And this wasn't just him getting his ass handed to him until a miracle saved him- all though it did reach that point with Jane's return. But he was a credible threat to Gor until Gor got the upper hand.

The Zeus shit was great, but again, played a little too heavy to the jokes. And again, Thor showed his ass (pun intended!) with the Thunderbolt. I like that they kept him strong.

The relationship shit with the hammers was funny, just, again, overplayed.

Taika is perfect for the tone and direction of the franchise. But Feige needs to weigh in a bit more and reign in some of the excess.

But I don't get the criticism that this is weightless- same with Strange, really.

Thor gets closure on the love of his life.
She got to go to Valhalla.
He's leveled up quite a bit and has an impetus to take his role as a God much more seriously.
He's a fucking DAD now, keeping a promise to his dying enemy.
Astrid! He was a pleasant surprise.

I wish Sif would have been part of the team, so I didn't like that.

Give her some tick.

He's out in the cosmos, protecting other civilizations besides Earth.