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Topic subject... but is this textual?
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745052, ... but is this textual?
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-29-22 11:35 AM

>Strange WANTED to try that spell, Peter's predicament just
>gave him an opportunity to do what he was going to do anyway,

Like, is there a part of the movie NWH that makes it clear that this was a fault within Strange for doing this? That he wanted to try to tinker with space-time? That he was going to do it anyway?

Maybe there was some scene where they explained this, but I missed it if that's the case. And even if they did have a textual scene making it clear that was the reason, I still don't think it vibes with the character arc the MCU had set him on.

>also, he didn't think it all the way through, CLEARLY.
>Impulsivity & selfishness.
>BS like NWH is supposed to be the shit that MAKES him the cold
>self-less dude we know him to be NOW.

But it's the same guy who put himself in an infinite kill loop to save the world in the first movie-- and the same dude who let himself and half the population die for a *chance* at beating Thanos. Wasn't he already calculated and selfless before NWH?

In fact, the whole plot of Multiverse is around the idea that his calculated nature makes him believe that sacrifices made for the greater good are worthwhile-- that it's building on the idea of Infinity War/Endgame. And as mentioned above, clearly in the first movie, in Infinity War, and Multiverse, he's completely cool with sacrificing himself and his well-being, as long as it's for the greater good.

But, like, his behavior in NWH doesn't remotely vibe with that character arc imo. There's no argument that what he's doing is for the greater good, and he's acutely aware of the dangers. He's definitely a guy who tinkers with dangerous spells, but only when it's for saving lives.

I just don't think the guy who let half the universe die for a shot at long-term success is the same guy who'd mess with space-time because a sad teenager he'd fought with a couple times asked him nicely to.