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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectYeah agreed on all of this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=724238&mesg_id=744913
744913, Yeah agreed on all of this
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jun-15-22 10:20 PM
I think Ice Cube Jr sort of says why they went back to Jablim and not Alderaan but yeah. Still kind of dumb.

The CGI on the force pulling scene with Vader was really bad. The hanger area shouldve been practical and not done in the volume. The depth of field was all wrong, the scaling of the ship comapred to Vader was all wrong. It ruined the scene for me.

Okay so one more ep, here are my biggest gripes *kinda long, despite these gripes I still enjoy the show because well its fucking Star Wars LOL

There's been a lot of bad choices in either acting (Reva) or direction/cinematography (Chow/Chung). Saving the reveal of Reva's backstory was a bad choice. This should have been established from the get go so that we cared about her character. She either should have had a mask, been an alien or had an accent as well. I feel like this was a Woke over Serves The Story moment for this team to choose to do this. Moses is a good actress but not all good actors fit in Star Wars. I don't want to see Leo or Denzel in a fucking Star Wars movie. She makes weird acting choices in this world and maybe it's because she is admittedly not a huge fan of it pre casting. Not only do we not care about her from the get go since they chose to hold Reva's motivations instead of being blunt about it, but she is not menancing or scary to the audience. That comes down to character visually. All the other inquisitors have cool masks, voices, etc which helps make them feel like a threat. I think if they designed Reva to be an alien wearing a cool as mask and had some voice modulation when the mask was on it would have elevated the character so much more AND would have helped make the reveal cooler to see the face behind the mask as a younglin. But they clearly wanted us to see who the actor was and I think it backfires on them story wise. When she is yelling and tyring to be scary im fucking laughing because its so cringe (ie. the interrogation scene with Leia)

I don't think the bad CGI has anything to do with budget constraints. If it does then that's Disney's fault for not throwing all of the money on such an important show/movie. But I honestly doubt it, because why would Andor have a bigger budget for a mostly all practical set tv show over Obi Wan? I honestly think its just bad execustion and directing. Look how epic and cinematic the shots in the trailer for Andor look, then look at Obi Wan.

I was a big fan of Chow because she's asian and from Toronto but honestly I don't think she's ready for a Star Wars movie like I intially was championing for. I think we are seeing why. She and her cinematographer have only realy done tv and again, we are starting to see why. Some of these issues were even showing up in her episodes of Mando. I know she likes doing action shots but her aciton shots ALWAYS come off as tv looking and not cinematic enough. Star Wars always needs to look cinematic.

I am still enjoying the show, please don't get it twisted but I am a designer so my attention to detail is pretty runs crazy when I watch things.