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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectrewatched
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=744215&mesg_id=744892
744892, rewatched
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jun-13-22 01:39 PM
at first i thought dude was asking where his eye was but he was saying what did you do to my eye

i never want to see that coussineu, bunny colvin (sorry forgot his name in this) interrogation scene again. it's so good but sooo uncomfortable.

conversion dancer running back to play piano and sing was so fucking funny and random.

rewtching the Hank/Cristobal moment just seems Hank's look was knowing things will never be the same. even being who they are there was an innocence to their relationship that they'll never get back

that close up Sally is haunting.

Barry's not a 'good guy' but he stepped up in differing ways to help both Sally and Gene. Sally left town and Gene gave him up. Just like he seemed fond of his boy's wife who poisoned him last week. He literally has no one. No idea how this plays out but somehow i see him re-uniting with Fuches.