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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectGreat season finale. The show accomplished it’s goal
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=743859&mesg_id=744763
744763, Great season finale. The show accomplished it’s goal
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Tue May-31-22 12:24 PM
of telling the perverse details of police corruption in the BCPD. Sadly it took white kids OD’ing in the suburbs to stumble upon this revelation and gather enough investigation resources to bring this to light.

Baltimore hasn’t recovered since the Freddie Gay killing. I’m not exactly sure what can be done to heal those wounds and slowly restore some semblance of trust between the police and the many Baltimoreans living in high crime areas. When there’s 300+ people getting murdered on a yearly basis in a city with less than 600,000, there’s going to be innocent people killed and lots of trauma. I’d love to see Baltimore turn this around. I love the city. Most of my wife’s family lives there and we visit very often. This is a city that was once home to almost 1million residents and top 5 in the country annually for population. Bmore has so much potential. Hopefully there’s some sort of renaissance someday soon bc the city really has a lot to offer.

Maybe Simon has already done so, but I’d be interested in hearing what he thinks can realistically be done to fix Baltimore’s crime issues. I know he wants to decriminalize drugs, but that may not lead to less gun violence. I’d like to hear his thoughts and those of longtime community members who are invested in the community. I know one of the biggest obstacles is police reform which they’re trying to do, but seems to have backfired. *Some - not all - police really need to grow thicker skin and not act so indignant when they’re called out or criticized. I work in education and we’re scrutinized all the time. We still show up and put our students first. The residents have to police themselves too and strive for safer communities. I’m going off on a tangent here, but I think that’s what most David Simon projects make you do; lose faith in our institutions and look for better solutions.