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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectYeah, I will, I just want to take in the show's version first.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=743859&mesg_id=744404
744404, Yeah, I will, I just want to take in the show's version first.
Posted by Nodima, Tue May-10-22 01:58 AM
Kinda goes back to the weird little white kid I was that was so excited for The Wire I binged The Corner on HBO Demand, overcharging my parents' credit card, then bought the book to read and have kept it prominently placed wherever I am since. I was never much of a read the book before I saw the movie guy but I've definitely been a saw the TV show then read the book guy and with Simon's shows particularly I like being able to use the shows as a visual reference, from Homicide on.

I did read some overview articles and I've got some stuff bookmarked for after, but for now I just want to let this show be what it is and not worry about minor or major details they minimize, maximize or neglect/fabricate. Not enjoyable/engaging for me to watch TV that way.

All that said, appreciate the rest of your post, and in a more broad comment I'm a little saddened that this show, despite the two decades of The Wire propaganda, doesn't seem to be getting treated like must see TV out there.

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