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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectPersonally, I lost the "must see" feeling right after Endgame
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=743034&mesg_id=744375
744375, Personally, I lost the "must see" feeling right after Endgame
Posted by Nodima, Sat May-07-22 07:18 AM
GRANTED, I also only Saw Iron Man, Thor and Captain America before skipping everything until Civil War because A) I was vaguely familiar with the comic it was based on and B) wanted to see a new Spider-Man. Since Endgame, I've watched Wanda, Loki and the Spider-Man movies and that's it.

I like all the actors and most of their takes on the characters, I'd love to see a MCU movie that felt like a Raimi movie and I did enjoy the first Strange a lot...but even having seen most of the set up for this movie (I think?) I'm just, like...why? I could wait two years, buy a month of Disney Plus and binge it all in a weekend, right?

So, it took me a while to care about all 26 or whatever movies in the first saga (and I still never saw Thor 2) but Endgame felt like such a bold period at the end of this story I'm having a tougth time caring until they establish what the plan is. Besides, it all seems kind of slap dash anyway - what do Shang Chi, The Eternals, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man and Thor have to do with each other? Will I need to keep watching the TV (which I stopped doing after Loki) to know?

It's just too much, really.

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