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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectIt's basically condensing The Wire's thesis and having no fun with it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=743859&mesg_id=744324
744324, It's basically condensing The Wire's thesis and having no fun with it
Posted by Nodima, Tue May-03-22 04:38 AM
That's not to say Simon/Pelecanos' grim pessimism doesn't allow for some humorous moments, but like The Corner this is a true story and they treat it like one.

Episode 2 opens with a conversation that's basically season 3 of The Wire pressed tight into two minutes.

It feels like home, which is a big bummer, but they know this beat and aren't fucking around.

If it shares anything with Treme, it's that the casting doesn't always feel 100% the way Corner/Wire/Generation Kill or even The Deuce did. But that could even out over six episodes and Bernthal/Charles/Mosaku kill it. And sometimes the "lesser" acting does feel more real, so it might just be something you have to settle into 'cause they're not taking a lot of creative liberties. I didn't know this story at ALL and whenever I'm curious about something, it's been pretty much exactly facts.

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