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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectEh... I don't know if Kendall hasn't changed more than Shiv
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=742351&mesg_id=742795
742795, Eh... I don't know if Kendall hasn't changed more than Shiv
Posted by spenzalii, Tue Dec-07-21 01:58 PM
She's gone from idealistic prick with morals to, what, Kendall with boobs and a different set of mommy issues over these 3 seasons? That may be boiling things down a bit far and/or sexist, for which I apologize, but she's pretty much in the position kendall was at the beginning of the series after starting being an outsider with the Bernie stand-in that wanted to bring Logan down. We've seen her ditch her ditch her 'moral' stance thrice so far (talking the cruise victim out of testifying, co-signing a fascist, and gaslighting Gerri). Ken may be the most 'sympathetic' changed fuck-up in this family (and I use that very loosely), but Shiv is very much in the running.

Either way, they are all terrible, horrible, entitled, unredeemable POS across the board. I love it.