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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjecttwo things re: the "nothing is happening" complaint:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=742351&mesg_id=742787
742787, two things re: the "nothing is happening" complaint:
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Dec-07-21 11:07 AM
1. All the things you listed, the "threats"? Those are things happening. They're affecting and morphing the characters. Just because none of them permanently changed RoyCo doesn't mean they were stakeless or had no impact.

2. Part of the whole point of the show is "these conglomerates are more powerful than the government and are too big to fail." Clearly it takes a perfect combination of skill, timing, pressure, and luck to even get *close* to bring down a major media conglomerate-- and even all of that may not be enough. And none of that has happened. The only thing that will bring down Logan, much like Murdoch or Trump or the rest, is if Logan dies.

I don't want them to kill off Kendall. Kendall is, in a lot of ways, the most interesting asshole in the family. He's certainly at a manic low right now, and something's going to happen to him, but it's not yet clear what. Considering much of the season has been a "I'm better than them, but I also want no consequences and their money" arc for Kendall, wouldn't be surprised if the season ends with either Kendall walking away without money or publicly confessing his part in wrongdoings (especially the caterer's death) to cleanse himself. Or maybe he fucks up the Madson deal irrevocably for his dad. Or maybe he successfully enlists a sibling to his cause after they say "enough's enough" with Logan-- or maybe Gerri if she gets canned for Roman's dick pic. And there are certainly plenty of other possibilities not mentioned here.

But there's no real replacement for Kendall on the show. His character has changed more than any other over the show and over this season. And this show has never gone the "shock death" route. They almost always go the "shock how this person's life is fucked for the immediate future" route.

If anyone dies, it would almost certainly be Logan. He's the one whose health is clearly in question, and he's the one whose death would have by miles the most shattering impact on RoyCo's position in America and the family in general.

>I loved the first two seasons of this show in a way I can't
>even explain, but nothing is really happening here...
>DOJ threat? Nope, slap on the wrist fine.
>Tom going to jail? Nope, gotcha.
>Kendall brings Logan down? Nope.
>They lose the company to Stewie? Nope.
>Kendall's gotta be dead, or else what purpose did this season
>even serve?