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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectA League Of Their Own is a one liner goldmine.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=725714&mesg_id=725723
725723, A League Of Their Own is a one liner goldmine.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Nov-07-17 06:03 PM
"How about Marla Hooch? What a hitter!"

...said as poor, unattractive Marla is far, far, far FAR back in the shot.

A League Of Their Own is full of understated one liner gold.

"I loved you in The Wizard Of Oz."
"I want her. The one who hit the ball."
"That's some good peeing"

"I especially liked the part where you scratched your balls for an hour."

Kid to Dottie: "Whaddaya say we slip in the back seat and you make a man outtah me?"

Dottie, in response: "Whaddaya say I smack you around for awhile?"

And of course, the all time classic....

"There's no crying in baseball!!"