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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectYou realize those people HAD to be there
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=718024&mesg_id=718390
718390, You realize those people HAD to be there
Posted by Heinz, Fri Dec-16-16 02:53 PM
And HAD to be a big part of the story.

>Star Wars the second we abandon the nostalgia and spend a whole movie exclusively on new characters, new galaxies, new stories, etc.

You can't get here till they flesh everything out as unlike Marvel or DC where storylines are different per graphic novel, comic, cartoon, movie, tv show. The beauty of what Star Wars is doing and making one storyline throughout all the mediums the stories are told is the beautiful continuity. We won't be able to get to the point where brand new characters can exist on their own untill they explore the rest of the characters lives and importance. Will they explore ALL old classic characters...nah I think Solo and Ben make the most sense. I can see Yoda only being done in a cartoon, comic or book. After Episode 9 I think is when we either see a new saga or we start following a new family. From the way they are setting it up and hinting things, I think that family is the Kenobi's. I hope it is.

As far as Krennic and Tarkin vs Krennic and Erso. Yeah the latter relationship was important but not as important as the one with Tarkin. Especially when this movie leads up to minutes before Episode 4. They had to do it this way. Krennic was a crazy fuck going for Tarkin's position. THAT is way more interesting. Those guys beefing in Catalyst is far more interesting. Galen's story is dope too don't get me wrong but as far as "grey" area type of stories from new characters on the big screen, i would rather see the characters from Lost Stars. I think that would be amazing to see. They could market it to all of us plus all those Twilight fans LOL