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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectA nigga ODed before the shit started, but other than that I loved it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=699562&mesg_id=707542
707542, A nigga ODed before the shit started, but other than that I loved it
Posted by bwood, Tue Jan-26-16 07:05 PM
I thought this was miles better than 2 but not as good as the first.

Liked the Kai being a supernatural villain this time out. Like that the Furious Five got to shine more this time out and I liked all the new characters b.

And yo the 3D was well done too. I felt really immersed in the world here.

This is a summer movie dropping during the winter. If you got little kids take em to see this shit.

I hope this is the last one too. End it on a high note. Plus it wrapped up well enough by bringing everything full circle with the previous two what else could they do?