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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectSo Naiel Gaiman is playing a 3,000 seat rock & pop venue in Philly
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=694190&mesg_id=695700
695700, So Naiel Gaiman is playing a 3,000 seat rock & pop venue in Philly
Posted by lonesome_d, Thu Apr-09-15 01:50 PM
MrHood probably knows it, the Tower Theater. Surprising to me... the NPR spot I heard for it emphasized him as an 'author and graphic novelist' or something similar.

Interestingly I'd just signed out The Truth Is A Cave in the Black Mountains (which is awesome) when I heard the spot. His blurb in the back about the book's development as a multi-media performance piece was very interesting.

Looks like he's doing a small tour (and one night 'in conversation with Jules Feiffer,' which would be great) - no idea if it's a performance or what. Was kinda curious if he's got a bigger venue than normal in Philly; the Tower's pretty sizeable and I was kinda wondering if the fact that his famed 'make good art' speech was here had promoters counting on a big audience. Or maybe he is just that big a star. *shrug*