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Topic subjectunfortunate if gets canceled.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=679022&mesg_id=682920
682920, unfortunate if gets canceled.
Posted by High Society, Tue Jul-29-14 03:03 AM
Show should DEFINITELY get a second season.
If Hell on Wheels can get at least 2 out of AMC...
They deserve another.
I'm with you though, I don't know how it's gonna end
and probably had to write it as if it was the final episode
of series.

I have been pleased with the 2nd half of the season.
Was a sloooooow start but its been rewarding for
those that have stuck with it till the end.

Some of the tech stuff is geeked out but
I like to read articles talking about stuff mentioned on the show.

Cameron is a pretty little thing and I love Donna.
She's sulked a lot this season - unhappy wife,
not content with own work, jealous of what's happening
with Gordon then saves his ass
3-4 times without receiving any credit besides last night.
Probably smarter than him.
Moments where she seems weak, other times STRONG, real leader.
Plus I was hoping we might get a hot sex scene with her
like Cameron got multiple times. Like I said, love Donna.
They've done a good job with her character.

As well as Cameron and Joe.

Gordon's been a prick most of the season.
Made a ballsy BUSINESS decision last night and it appeared
to have worked. Then we get the Macintosh, it was PERFECT.

Total punch to the gut. Cameron was right all along.
Speaking of Cameron, when Joe walks into the room...
Anybody immediately think of BOOGIE NIGHTS?
Where dude always walks into a crowded room
and sees his wife being piped by a different guy with a group
of people gathered around watching?

I hope it gets a second season, this is the only show
I'm watching every week besides Masters of Sex.