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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectsolid ep...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=680642&mesg_id=680996
680996, solid ep...
Posted by SankofaII, Thu Jun-19-14 02:30 AM
a few things:

-can Louis win one? Just once?! SMH

-already the Jessica-Malone storyline is already irritating, mainly because she can clearly do better

-i have to admit, Patrick Adams as Mike is oddly the weakest link on the show...even his new Secretary is way more interesting than him

-Mike's new boss: an inferior version of Harvey in the worst way

-this whole Logan-Rachel-Mike storyline is going to wear thin QUICK. Like you *KNOW* Logan is going to try and get with her again, Mike's going to fuck up and Rachel's going to get drunk and run into Logan's arms (and Mike and Rachel would be EVEN since he slept with his ex back in season 1 or was it 2?), fuck and awkwardness abounds...

but im enjoying the show so far...and is it me or do the eps seem way more streamlined/tighter and way better dialogue so far this season....