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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectWorld War Z (Forster, 2013)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=653661&mesg_id=653661
653661, World War Z (Forster, 2013)
Posted by bwood, Mon Jun-17-13 05:52 PM
More like World War Yawn. I was bored as fuck niggas. Like to me and a few other people the movie got good once it slowed down in the third act. Shit was action sequence after action sequence except the action ain't really that cool or interesting.

Seriously there were no REAL stakes cause we all knew Brad Pitt would be okay and this nigga is the main driving force of the movie. Like the only shit that was cool was the plane sequence (which in real life that nigga and the solider who was with him would've died).

In the opening credits it says additional music by Muse, and I couldn't tell what the fuck they did in this generic ass score except for that dubstep shit that plays over the credits.

And Jesus what a dull ass Q&A with Marc Forster we had today.

Brad Pitt, Marc Forster, and Paramount are not gonna get their trilogy they wanted out of this.

*EDIT* It was pissing me off that I was wearing 3D glasses. I kept thinking to myself the whole time "Why do I have these big, clunky glasses over my fucking face for something that should not be in 3D in the first place?".