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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectTywin played puppet master the whole season
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=652834&mesg_id=652970
652970, Tywin played puppet master the whole season
Posted by lenny lando, Mon Jun-10-13 08:43 AM
All for the sake of the Lannister name. And Tywin telling Tyrion the day he was born he wanted to throw Tyrion is the sea was cold blooded. He's such a shitty father.

BTW, Greyjoys are a bunch of lames at the end of the day. They remind me of the orphans in the movie "The Warriors". Also, Who's more cold and cryptic, Balon Greyjoy or Walder Frey? I swear these are some miserable men.

Sam's story line was wack the whole season. The less they showed, the happier I became. This "I'm too weak and scared of everything" has worn thin in my eyes.

How can you NOT like Davos? He's such a loyal guy and always keeps it real.