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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjecthow is amour not pretentious?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=635397&mesg_id=641519
641519, how is amour not pretentious?
Posted by theprofessional, Tue Feb-19-13 04:31 AM
look at the title, fam. they named the film "love." there's your first clue.

i'm not gonna argue with you about your reaction to the film. you say you were moved by it, i'm not gonna tell you you weren't. there were some genuinely moving sequences, the leads gave moving performances. there are elements of a good film here. in fact, i think you could edit this down (moving some stuff around) into a really good short film. 30, 40 minutes tops. dragging it out over two hours is indefensible. it's boring your audience in the name of art and wasting everyone's time.

your audience of AARP members enjoyed it, great. they probably self-edited it with some well-timed naps. there's a good 90 minutes of amour you could sleep through and miss nothing. i wish i would've. but my audience was crickets. over two hours, the film got two reactions: a laugh when anne asked georges what he would say if no one came to his funeral and he responded "probably nothing"; and a gasp at the end of the dream sequence. that's it. over two hours. everything else was crickets, including the end credits. that's poor filmmaking.