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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectagree with this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=635019&mesg_id=635394
635394, agree with this
Posted by Zion3Lion, Sat Dec-22-12 07:49 PM
>much more than any other filmmaker not named Tyler Dogg.
>one question: why is that?
>and don't bother with "he made bad films" excuse...LOTS of
>directors have mad bad ones and don't get dat EFFORT.
>all i saw there was a hipster from a hipster blog baiting
>Screaming Sam into hatin on the best Director he's ever worked
>with...the first to be able to reveal greater depth in his
>range, far beyond the ANGRY and UNHINGED Screaming Sam that he
>was being cast to play over and over and over. And if he
>wasn't playing that, he was transitioning into ELDER
>STATESMAN, that refined, intellectual black man garbage.
>Unbreakable opened new doors for him and Bruce...both of their
>performances were lauded. and if the artistic gate-keepers had
>been a lil looser with "comic book" movies 12 years ago, they
>both woulda been nominated.
>this was a hipster laying the groundwork to create disinterest
>and apathy for after earth because they are SCARED.
>and quentin makes movies that don't take any RISKS...his
>characters are cartoons...they're blonde ninjas and goofy
>even wes anderson has grown outta using using surrealism as a