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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subject^^ Agreed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=591819&mesg_id=623300
623300, ^^ Agreed
Posted by jorge123, Mon Aug-20-12 12:15 PM
Except about Crews, who I also felt like was kind of just "there" (even though his character has always been kind of unnecessary...but in the first he at least had a major use).

Movie was completely boring. My advice to anybody is to watch the first 10 minutes and the last 15 minutes, and that's basically all you needed to see. And nothing in those 2 sections was particularly awesome except Statham's knife scene, Jet Li's pan scene, and the Van Damme fight. Although if you skipped the boring middle part you would miss out on the awesome Van Damme knife-kick.

Anyway...as an aside, I am completely impressed by Statham in these movies. I've watched his movies for years, but mainly because he's really been the only guy churning out decent action movies. But watching him stand out from the crowd among these huge action stars really upped my respect for him.