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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectIt was just sort of... there.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=591819&mesg_id=623289
623289, It was just sort of... there.
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon Aug-20-12 11:11 AM
And I know, "but they're not shooting to get Oscars GOD wtf you expecting film snobb"

But for all of the firepower and intentionally corny dialogue and one-liners and dumb awesome kills and Chuck Norris deux ex machina appearances, it was just lifeless. No, sorry, I actually didn't see any fun being had, with the exception of Terry Crews. Cats looked like they just showed up on their marks and delivered their lines, collected a check, then left.

And BOY, were there a lot of lines. Shit was way too talky. For a movie that ran about 1:45, when shit grinded to a halt, it GRINDED to a halt.

And was Jet Li only contracted for 3 days or something? Was he committed to another film? Did he hurt himself to the point of debilitation? Why have him in the first 10 minutes only to write him out for the rest of it?

The novelty and fun of the first movie felt like labor and rehash this time out.

We out here trying to function.