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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectDurkin said as much
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=585589&mesg_id=600883
600883, Durkin said as much
Posted by Mageddon, Tue Feb-28-12 02:16 PM
at TIFF after the screening, when someone asked him about the ending. He said (not his exact words) that the (psychological) problems Martha has is something she will likely deal with the rest of her life, and is something he couldn't (or didn't want to?) wrap up.

I was satisfied with the ending, his explanation, and I think your interpretation is sound.

>I disagree about the ending. While the soap opera fan in us
>would love to see the story play out in a serial fashion,
>there is no escape for Martha. She is haunted. She is
>traumatized. And while she may go on with her life, she'll
>never escape the grasp the cult has on her and her psyche.
>She's fucked. Unless she fully accepts massive psychological
>treatment, she will continue to be a victim, being stalked by
>visions of her past.
>that's how i interpreted and accepted the ending.