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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectTheatre- saw the Bridge Project version of Richard III
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=597738&mesg_id=600729
600729, Theatre- saw the Bridge Project version of Richard III
Posted by magilla vanilla, Mon Feb-27-12 04:26 PM
Spacey is a freaking MONSTER in this. But the cast otherwise is a bit uneven- the main issue is that Richmond, who is supposed to be the savior of the realm from Richard, just came off flat, and honestly, kinda douchey.

Mendes went a bit overboard with the interstitial title cards to break the action of the play up, but the minimalist score of heavy percussion and keyboard flourishes was really effective.

Those concerns aside, I really enjoyed the show, and since Spacey's on stage for the vast majority of it, and he just KILLS it, it's a hell of a ride.