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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectAfter dude got all riled up after getting accused
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=566993&mesg_id=600667
600667, After dude got all riled up after getting accused
Posted by BigReg, Mon Feb-27-12 11:39 AM
I was hoping he was gonna go all Van Helsing via Banana Republic. Particularly during the showdown in the 'volunteer center', even though he wasn't there I would have sworn he was gonna step up to the plate (since it was a point where all the characters were exposed to the Fade threat)

Dude was like, I got a pretty woman driving me, a cute car, we look like we are in a car commercial....vroom vroom y'all, catch y'all in Los Angeles!

>I thought they were going to do more with him, but when she
>changed and came back I sort of just realized he was there to
>show that you can come back but you can't full be normal
>again. you can't be your old self, just because in order to be
>a fade reborn you've got to consume to stay alive.
>Oh and Natalie Dormer was great to look at, I hope she doesn't
>die. I need her in next season.