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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectPerfect Sense, The Trouble With Harry, Ivan The Terrible
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=597738&mesg_id=599900
599900, Perfect Sense, The Trouble With Harry, Ivan The Terrible
Posted by benny, Mon Feb-20-12 02:05 PM
Perfect Sense - semi-interesting apocalyptic love story between Ewan McGregor and Eva Green. The idea is that people start slowly losing their senses, and to be fair that aspect was treated pretty well. But I never felt involved by the characters' lives, and the voice-overs, though pretty, made things a bit too didactical. Maybe it would have been better if one of them were unaffected by the world-wide "virus"

The Trouble With Harry - meh, this has some Hitchcock's usual flair and was well-constructed, but felt too whimsical at times. Some of the innuendo was pretty blatant though, that was kinda funny ("it's been a while since someone crossed her threshold" BOOM)

Ivan The Terrible - watched part 1 last night, and now I can't wait to finish up. This was my first Eisenstein, and now I get why he gets so many props from cinephiles. Tremendous visuals and possibly the best use of lighting and shadows I've ever seen. The acting was a little tough to get into, but I thought it was epic on purpose (for all I know the tsar really did act and talk like that). The propaganda was extra-strong but having seen a few Russian flicks from the 50s I knew what to expect here.

started re-watching Mad Men s3, to get ready for the s5 premiere next month. Finally!