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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: Unexpected how?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=597738&mesg_id=598362
598362, RE: Unexpected how?
Posted by The Analyst, Mon Feb-06-12 12:43 PM
>I've basically kept to the "gangsters and murder" side of
>Scorsese. My only real venture outside of this was "Alice
>Doesn't Live Here Anymore." I thought it proved Scorsese
>wasn't able to handle a film outside his comfort zone, but I
>liked it nonetheless. Here's my question: Does it feel like a
>whole movie or an exercise? If it's the latter I'll
>respectfully hold it off for another day.

He didn't really have a comfort zone yet though, he had only just made Mean Streets the year before and Boxcar Birtha the year before that. I think Scorsese has had a lot of relatively successful excursions outside of his comfort zone (...but then again, I love Scorsese.) Nonetheless, you should really check out The King of Comedy and After Hours. A lot of people swear by Bringing Out the Dead, but I haven't seen that in 13 years and I was only 14, so I can't really say if it's worth it. I've not seen The Age of Innocence, Kundun, or Last Temptation of Christ, so I can't really speak on those, but they certainly have their ardent supporters. After Hours, if I remember it correctly, is pretty much a just a (masterful) exercise in style within the framework of a quirky, 80s (very) dark comedy. Check it out some day.