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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectBombay Beach, Chronicle, Design For Living...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=597738&mesg_id=598341
598341, Bombay Beach, Chronicle, Design For Living...
Posted by benny, Mon Feb-06-12 09:10 AM
Bombay Beach - Another indie that straddles the line between documentary and feature (see: Putty Hill), this one had a very dream-like quality to it that I really enjoyed. Great cinematography that managed to show some beauty amidst the desolation of the Salton Sea (7.5/10)

Chronicle - Good fun, went a little darker than I was expecting, which was good. Did not feel that involved in the characters, but enough to pay attention till the end. Impressively realistic-looking, as these things go (7/10)

Design For Living - Jules and Jim by Lubitsch. This wasn's as fun as I had hoped, but it was still enjoyable and breezy. Pretty amazing this film is from the 30s though, what with the girl getting with 2 guys (I think this is one of the first Hollywood films where they explicitly refer to having sex, though I might be wrong) (8/10)

Rear Window - I tend to consider the latest Hitchcock that I've watched to be the GOAT, but in this case it really might be true. But since Vertigo is on Netflix Instant right now, this opinion might change in the next week (9/10)

Detour - Kind of a by-the-numbers noir. The main actor was good but the femme fatale was really shrill and annoying (6/10)