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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectSo still cable free in 2012
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=597738&mesg_id=598291
598291, So still cable free in 2012
Posted by calminvasion, Sun Feb-05-12 05:27 PM
but with march madness creeping up, I'm going to break down soon, also seems like live sports links are drying up with the quickness.

*Enterprise* yeah, I am clearly hitting bottom and will do anything to satisfy my space opera fix. I saw a few episodes of this when it was on and never really formed a strong opinion. Just knew compared to TNG it felt too light-hearted and watered down, not as smart. But it is on Amazon Prime, so I've started going through season 1. Not too bad, not great, but good enough to keep going sporadically. I actually like Bacula as captain, and the vulcan is hot, but the writing is lacking.

*Shark Tank* I streamed season 1. Really like this show, love the concept and really connects with my own interest. The musical score is so corny and over the top, and they add drama for no reason at times, but its really good considering the premise they are taking on. Oleary is really over doing it with the fake persona. Show is always 50% better when Cuban is on.

*Happy Endings* Stumbled on to it a few weeks back and fully caught up, my new "community" not saying they are similar, but its my in my 1-2 network sitcoms I actually track.


I've probably watched more movies since getting rid of cable than I have in a long time:

*50/50* Maybe I'm getting soft, but this movie hit me in the heart a bit. Only "-" was Seth Rogan, I just hate that guy

*Moneyball* Similar to Will's comment, but in the end I enjoyed it, wasn't impressed but a fun 90 min. Maybe its because I'm not a baseball fan, and this is the only Michael Lewis book I haven't read.

*Drive* Ehh, visually compelling, but felt no emotional connection. There was so many pointless decisions/actions taken that made no sense but to make a cool visual (like him putting on the mask to eventually merc perlman, the blood-stained jacket, etc). Cinematographic porn, but I did got a woody off some of the scenes.

*Apollo 18* Worst movie I've ever seen, maybe. Scratch that, not sure I can say "seen" since I stopped it after 50 minutes and couldn't finish (see above my scifi withdrawal that forces me to try shit like this)

*Beginners* Liked. But I've always been a big McGreggor fan.

A handful of others I'm probably forgetting right now