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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectPortlandia s1
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=597738&mesg_id=597937
597937, Portlandia s1
Posted by benny, Thu Feb-02-12 08:36 AM
I'd watched the first ep a while back (free on itunes) and it didn't really do anything for me. Decided to give it a go again when I saw it on Netflix instant and I was hooked. The sketch format actually works very well because no character overstays their welcome. You probably have to be a hipster yourself (or at least devote part of your time to the almighty tumblrz) to enjoy the show, since most of the jokes are inside ones, but I thought it was well-written and acted. Definitely not groundbreaking by any means, especially not at a time when comedy is killing it on TV, but how can I hate on a show that uses Washed Out for its intro.
Also a big fan of the British-style 6-episode format. I believe one of the reason most network shows have been bad at generating online buzz is that 24 episodes is just too damn much for people to watch unless they're really motivated. 6 or 13 episodes is the way to go, especially when you're catching up on a show a few seasons in.