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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjecti have to say that this movie was great
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=542358&mesg_id=543060
543060, i have to say that this movie was great
Posted by slp_igneous1, Sun Nov-21-10 10:40 AM
it stuck to the source material fairly well like the first two movies, but was infinitely greater. the scenes were beautiful, the kids were acting their asses off and it didn't seem like 2.5 hours to me at all. having said that, there were some things that irritated me. i'll admit some are just small nerdy details that could go either way.

- kreacher didn't get enough shine, so R.A.B. wasn't shown his bravery
- Grindewald gave up Dumbledore
- no explanation of Potterwatch (nerdy detail)
- we don't know about Lupin and Tonks (nerdy detail)
- Wormtail's death/stunning...is he dead?
- Harry and Hermione's little scene in the tent
- Hermione's "discovery" about how to destroy a horcrux (lazy)

- the horcrux Harry and Hermione (it was just like i imagined it)
- the animated story of the three brothers (frickin beautiful)
- Hedwig's death :(
- the wedding scenes
- the opening scenes w/ Snape
- the fact that we still have no idea how these kids are gonna figure out the other horcruxes

i feel like when they leave stuff out, they put themselves in the awkward position of how to reveal details/ make characters relevant. that's what happened with dobby