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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectDefinitely
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=496320&mesg_id=519614
519614, Definitely
Posted by stankpalmer, Tue May-25-10 05:39 AM
>oh, and is it me or was the whole "if we are indeed going out
>of business, tell that to our customers" spiel, right after
>the blatantly obvious subway product placement, was a subtle
>nod to the Chuck fans who put up with all these concessions to
>keep the show on the air?

I was almost worried toward the end of the ep cause everything felt too neat, all the loose ends were tied, etc. I thought the writers were just covering their asses in case the show didn't get picked up. But they did play up the mom heavily during this ep, so you knew if there was a plot twist it was gonna be with her, especially w/Elle saying "I was so angry at her for leaving." during their heart to heart.

All in all, great ep. Set it up perfectly for next season, and I hope this shit gets picked up.

Prolly gonna be the most overlooked part of the ep: The Jeffster video. Heeeeeeelaaaaaaaaarious.