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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: I don't think anyone needs to get murked just yet.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=496320&mesg_id=518606
518606, RE: I don't think anyone needs to get murked just yet.
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed May-19-10 10:05 AM
>Although I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck's Dad gets offed by
>Shaw trying to protect Chuck somehow.
i don't think they NEED to but i just have that feeling that they will. with all the CIA will shit, I think they're getting at something deeper. i am curious though to figure out how and why they set up shaw's "death" in that manner. was he expecting chuck to come all the way to paris, he could have killed chuck but didn't, yet once chuck shot him how was he prepared for it? just some loose ends that need tying up.

>I really like the way this show is going though. The
>Elle/Ring sideplot is the most interesting her character has
>EEEEEEVVVVVVER been. The question is, when does she finally
>learn about Chuck?
still not sure she will. she's the last "innocent" of the core group. but we'll see

>Also, this might be a dumb question, but since the Ring/"CIA"
>guy was the one w/Chuck on the rooftop, does that mean they
>know Chuck is in the CIA - possibly containing knowledge of
>the intersect?
that dude justin was just running from chuck and sarah cause he went into shaw's apartment looking for something, the Ring certainly knows Chuck's in the CIA but probably doesn't figure him to be the intersect, although if Justin dealt with Shaw at all, then it's likely but not certain that Shaw would tell him that Chuck is the intersect.

>Because I thought they were just using Elle to
>get to her dad?
yeah i think they definitely were, they didn't know Chuck was the one, evne when they had them both bound up and tied.