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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI saw the first 4 episodes and
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=390059&mesg_id=515947
515947, I saw the first 4 episodes and
Posted by Wordman, Mon May-03-10 02:48 PM
it's crap.
The art is pretty cool, an interesting choice, but the story is HOT TRASH.
I'm as big a supporter of blaxploitain-esque, "make fun of white people for being white" as anyone you'll ever find. But it's a complete disservice here. So, you mean to tell me Black Panther REALLY spends that much time commenting/thinking/talking about generalized, stereotypical white people? Riiiiight.
The few scenes that aren't "important black characters talking about unimportant white characters" are written so poorly it's hard to watch. The "Black Panther's mom talking to Shuri about T'Challa's past with Storm" is a great example of something so pathetically executed, you wonder if you're supposed to take it seriously.
The other characters have more screen time than T'Challa. T'Challa, you know, supposedly being the main character of the show. There were way too many flashbacks, a lack of focus on "whose story it is" (the Condeleeza Rice character has more screen time than T'Challa in the first episode).
The voice acting isn't good. They all seem to follow the adage of "if you want to sound African, round out every syllable and say them slower." But it's hard to get mad at the voice acting when you consider what they're saying.
I went in with very low expectations (a show brought to you by BET? Uh oh.), and the show was nowhere near close to being reached. I warn you, you'll be mad at the people involved how bad they fucked this up.

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