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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: this season has been great
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=496320&mesg_id=500820
500820, RE: this season has been great
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Feb-02-10 11:18 AM
>but i have to say that tonight was the best of the season so
>far and one of the best in the series so far.
definitely, had as many funny moments and some weighty ones

>so many stories
>we're moved forward. i love that they are dealing with why he
>is disappearing all the time like its nothing
reasoning along the lines of the show, think about the buy more, i mean everyone's always bullshitting and having turf battles and whatever, they're a bunch of humanoids! hell big mike just ate donuts for two years, and since he's always been the unofficial leader of them, him saying he's doing an install would have no reason to be questioned. also, because he had a hot girlfriend, they probably figured half the time he was ditching work to be with her (which was more often than not the case).

(btw that whole
>going to paris without the cia at lets making a up a fake
>client so it really wouldnt be suspect....very sloppy)
in fairness, chuck didn't really expect to ever see her again and he's used lame excuses before. by the time she got to the buy more he had put her to "daydream" status, not oh shit i need a cover.

i like how it's showing that as awesome as devin is, he's no spy and makes you respect what the hell chuck has to do.

and i like how his becoming a better spy is freaking sarah the fuck out. its part of what drew her to him, being a regular real person, and what broke down her defenses, and now that he's lying straight up to people, she's afraid that she's going to lose him. i think that will be the conflict that will run for the remainder of the show's existence. good shit all around though.