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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectNah. Its Heterophobia. Cry.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500217
500217, Nah. Its Heterophobia. Cry.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-29-10 04:39 PM
>And Red Rock West. In fact, he's tougher in Kiss of Death
>than in either of the films you mentioned. He's a wimp who's
>in over his head for most of The Rock.

Nah, but 'The Rock' had more explosions and shit. And he
had a fine ass bitch

>The reason that Cage gets hated more because his flops are
>high profile, mass marketed flicks whereas someone like
>Clooney shits the bed in smaller films that nobody sees and
>everyone quickly forget ever existed.

No, people forgive Clooney because Clooney is less of a
guys guy than Cage is.

>Artsy fartsy types
>"respect" failing in indies and villify those who make stuff
>for the masses.

Wrong. See: Deep, Johnny. Makes movies themed around
amusement park rides. Still loved by artsies. Why?
Because he's barely a guy. No other reason. Phobia.


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