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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectSo you can't name any.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500181
500181, So you can't name any.
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jan-29-10 03:36 PM
>There aren't a lot of leading black men, so
>of course I can't name you very man. The ones that
>are, however, are *either* FUNNY or COMMANDING.

The funny/commanding plea cop is even better. That eliminates 90% of ALL actors. And one of the two black leading men made his film debut by playing a gay guy and built his fan base as a funny pretty boy. Thanks for playing.

>Sorry. Damon plays progressive rugby players who are
>friends with Nelson Mandela.
>Smith is playing crazy virologists who shoot zombies.
>Or anti-heroes who blow things up.

Oh please. That's like saying Brad Pitt isn't a pretty boy because he played Tyler Durden.

>like a lost puppy whiteboy. That's WHY the Bourne series
>worked. If he looked like an NFL Running back, the role
>wouldn't have worked as well.

Yes it could have. Make Bourne with Wesley Snipes and it still would have worked. Hell, I honestly don't think Bourne is that far off from Smith's character in I Am Legend.