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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectLOL - You miss the boat every time.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500175
500175, LOL - You miss the boat every time.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-29-10 03:20 PM

There aren't a lot of leading black men, so
of course I can't name you very man. The ones that
are, however, are *either* FUNNY or COMMANDING.

You don't get the in-between stuff, at all.

>Will doesn't fit the bill anymore than Matt Damon does. Will
>made it as a pretty boy that people could take home to mom
>just like Damon did and both have bulked up. If Will somehow
>transcended his pretty boy image than so did Damon.

LOL. No, he didn't.

Sorry. Damon plays progressive rugby players who are
friends with Nelson Mandela.

Smith is playing crazy virologists who shoot zombies.
Or anti-heroes who blow things up.

They don't do the same type of movie, because their
appeal is different. Cry all you want to. Its true.

Damon might have "bulked up" but his appeal is still more
"Aww, he's so smart and thoughtful"
than it is "He'll fuck a nigga up" OR "He's funny."

Hell, even in the BOURNE series, his appeal was that he
didn't *look* like a badass. That's he was perfect. He looked
like a lost puppy whiteboy. That's WHY the Bourne series
worked. If he looked like an NFL Running back, the role
wouldn't have worked as well.

>Who is the black Jason Statham?
>You can keep copping pleas but Frank's point is just wrong.


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