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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectpost-jack: does Meg Ryan help or hurt Crowe's virulent heteroism?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500162
500162, post-jack: does Meg Ryan help or hurt Crowe's virulent heteroism?
Posted by celery77, Fri Jan-29-10 02:20 PM
on the one hand, you're holding hands with Ms. Rom-Com herself -- never a good look for the bare-chested murderer you're banking Gladiator on

but on the other hand, I can kinda see young Russel Crowe, in the lat '80s / early '90s, developing a little schoolboy crush on Meg, back when she was kinda legitimately Miss Thing in Hollywood, that exotic land where the streets are paved with milk and honey, home to all the most beautiful girls in the world, so when he finally crosses the pond and lands in Tinseltown, first order of business is to enjoy his newfound status and go ahead and achieve that middle school conquest plotted a decade ago.

either way, let's all be glad it's over -- both the romance AND Meg's career.