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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectLOL. Please don't argue. You're not making a grain of sense.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500157
500157, LOL. Please don't argue. You're not making a grain of sense.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-29-10 02:11 PM

Fam, just admit you wrong, because you not making any
sense right about not, quite honestly

>Frank said that white stars were almost all effeminate pretty
>boys and that that doesn't carry over to black stars. That
>statement is patently false.


No, its not.

White LEADING MEN, not comedians, are far more likely to
be effeminate, sensitive metrosexuals than black men stars.

They also got the "thoughtful progressive" shit down pat

I mean, I ain't even complaining. I'm just making an

Will Smith's *early* appeal was damn near Jim Carry-like.

Like I said:

White people never had a problem running to the box office
to see a black man act FUNNY. They never had a problem
going to the box office to see a black man act COMMANDING.
Will Smith does *both*

>When he was coming up, Will was not built like that. He was no
>more of a man's man than Damon, Pitt, or even little ass Tom
>Cruise; a point that you yourself made...

No, Einstein, he was FUNNY. That's why 'Fresh Prince'
was such a big deal.

Black men have always been FUNNY.

Again - what Will Smith did was COMBINE elements of
Eddie Murphy with elements of Denzel Washington. That's
why he's a mega star.

He makes people SMILE and makes girls nipples hard.

>Exactly my point. He wasn't built like a running back in
>those. I'm not sure how you can argue that he wasn't an
>effeminate pretty boy when you can't even compliment his roles
>without a "no homo".

Actually, by the time 'Bad Boys' rolled around, Smith was of
age and had embraced his sex appeal. The thing is: he was
also FUNNY which is why he was picked for those rolls at all.
His silly smiles and one-lines. Like I said -- niggas always
been FUNNY. Always. And always been bankable.

>Again, exactly my point. Trying to say that white people want
>their leading men effeminate while ignoring that some of the
>biggest box office successes for black actors have them
>dressing up like women (don't forget Martin Lawrence) is


No, smart guy. Black people have always been bankable when
they are FUNNY.

>No more a pretty boy than Columbus Short, Terrence Howard, or
>any other up and coming black actor?


Are you fucking serious?

Do you honestly think that Matt Damon is not a pretty boy?
Damon's WHOLE APPEAL consists of the following:

a) He's harvard educated smartsy white boy
b) He has boyish good looks

As he ages, his appeal is growing from teenie bopper to
George Clooney, but NEITHER of those appeals are *anything*
like Terrance Howard...LOL...seriously, FOH. Howard is a
commanding stage presence who actually takes on fairly DARK
and SARCASTIC roles. His LONE LEADING ROLE that made noise
was the nigga as a PIMP FOR FUCK'S SAKE <--haha. The nigga
don't have no leading roles in films that white people watched
where he was on some cerebral thoughtful shit...LOL...FOH


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