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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectAnd that's beside the point.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500144
500144, And that's beside the point.
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jan-29-10 01:55 PM
Frank said that white stars were almost all effeminate pretty boys and that that doesn't carry over to black stars. That statement is patently false.

>And Will Smith is still a big nigga built like an
>NFL running back. That is not Orlando Bloom appeal.

When he was coming up, Will was not built like that. He was no more of a man's man than Damon, Pitt, or even little ass Tom Cruise; a point that you yourself made...

>His biggest hits are Independence Day and Men in Black
>and shit like that. He was funny and cutesy in those,
>no homo

Exactly my point. He wasn't built like a running back in those. I'm not sure how you can argue that he wasn't an effeminate pretty boy when you can't even compliment his roles without a "no homo".

>Black people LOVE TP. White moviegoers aren't
>so into him, and the ones that are go because he's

Again, exactly my point. Trying to say that white people want their leading men effeminate while ignoring that some of the biggest box office successes for black actors have them dressing up like women (don't forget Martin Lawrence) is laughable.

>Bitches don't like Daniel Craig. Bitches loved Pierce Bronson

This isn't about what bitches like. Not sure why you're mentioning this. Again, I'm addressing Frank's comment, which was based on race, not gender.

>Matt Damon not a pretty boy?

No more a pretty boy than Columbus Short, Terrence Howard, or any other up and coming black actor?

>And Sean Penn:
>a) Isn't that bankable

Well, shit. Neither is Orlando Bloom. He's dropped from Pirates and nobody went to see LOTR because of him. There's a reason that he's disappeared from the radar after dropping bomb after bomb. Neither is Cheadle, who you've brought up before.