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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectCouple quesitions & comments regarding this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500141
500141, Couple quesitions & comments regarding this
Posted by jigga, Fri Jan-29-10 01:49 PM
>Smith still suffers from that little bit of gayness in
>'Six Degrees'.

How so?

>Gyllenhall has a little bit of the Crowe stuff

He does? In what way? I'm not seeing it.

>Colin Farrell was supposed to have a little bit of it, but
>that died with the Pony-Tail in 'Miami Vice'. LOL.

Cmon O! That died waaaaaaaaay before with Alexander!

He had the drinking & womanizing but never seemed like a tough guy even with that Irish blood. I think becoming a father of a child with a disability also softened him up a bit since then. His repsonse to the Gervais jab @ the Golden Globes kinda sealed this thinking for me.

>I think the best example of this oddity is how Larenz Tate's
>career hasn't taken off. He's diminutive and relatively
>effeminate, which is why his career hasn't taken off. Black
>women like him, but white women would rather fuck Denzel,
>is why he'll never be a true Hollywood leading man. He's
>certainly talented enough.

I think it's more him being too convincing as O-Dogg. He probably scared a lot of white people after that role.

>The best bet is for lighter-skinned black men to pick the
>sort of like Obama did, because the public bought the
>intellectual stuff from Obama...one of the reasons he's a
>transformative figure(culturally, even if not politically).

And he speaks so well! (c)CR