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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI'll co-sign part of this:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500139
500139, I'll co-sign part of this:
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Jan-29-10 01:48 PM
>you're completely right as tagging them as oil and water, and
>only thing I can really add past that (cuz I haven't seen
>Master & Commandner) is the Insider is quietly the best Crowe
>performance by a mile.

I agree that "The Insider" is probably his best performace, though not by a mile. His performance in Master and Commander was comparable. And he was very, very, very good in "LA Confidential." I've also hear d he was excellent in "Romper Stomper," but I've never seen it.

I will say that Crowe pretty much owned the late '90s and early '00s as an actor. And it's odd to think that he got his Oscar for his most conventional role during that period.