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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectHumor, Einstein. Niggas always been funny.
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500134, Humor, Einstein. Niggas always been funny.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-29-10 01:40 PM
See: Eddie Murphy still being one of the 5 biggest
movie stars in history. Black men have always been
bankable when they're FUNNY.

And Will Smith is still a big nigga built like an
NFL running back. That is not Orlando Bloom appeal.

That is "I want to be fucked by an NFL running back"
appeal. You combine that with his HUMOR and you get a
mega star.

>Yeah, because lord knows that the Fresh Prince made it because
>he was a man's man.

His biggest hits are Independence Day and Men in Black
and shit like that. He was funny and cutesy in those,
no homo

Recently, Smith has switched it up and become
COMMANDING and SERIOUS and has played up his sex appeal.
Hell, there's damn near a naked scene with the nigga in
every movie.

>And let's not even get into the fact that
>probably the second biggest bankable black star dresses up
>like a woman to make his money.

HUMOR, my dude

Oh, and:


Black people LOVE TP. White moviegoers aren't
so into him, and the ones that are go because he's

>If Orlando Bloom is a "bonafide movie star", then so is Viggo
>Mortenson who I wouldn't say is just a pretty boy. Ditto for
>Clive Owen and Daniel Craig.


Bitches don't like Daniel Craig. Bitches loved Pierce Bronson

Daniel Craig is a SEAN CONNERY STYLE James Bond, which is

Women would prefer a sissy ass ROGER MOORE James Bond now.

>Nic Cage might not kick ass but
>he's hardly a pretty boy. Personally, I don't think Matt
>Damon's a "feminine pretty boy". Sean Penn?

Matt Damon not a pretty boy?


That about summarizes your handle on the situation.


And Sean Penn:

a) Isn't that bankable

b) Is really from a different generation.


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