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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectYeah, the Fresh Prince and Madea are men's men.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500130
500130, Yeah, the Fresh Prince and Madea are men's men.
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jan-29-10 01:29 PM
>Note: I say white Hollywood since the majority of black movie
>stars are not feminine pretty boys. This problem doesn't seem
>to cross the racial boundary as much. I look forward to
>hearing the theories on why this is.

Yeah, because lord knows that the Fresh Prince made it because he was a man's man. And let's not even get into the fact that probably the second biggest bankable black star dresses up like a woman to make his money.

>Who else is a
>bonafide movie star that actually doesn't seem like a feminine
>pretty boy (Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, etc.)? I could name
>older actors for days that I'd answer "yes" to these three
>questions... but nowadays these guys are rarities.

If Orlando Bloom is a "bonafide movie star", then so is Viggo Mortenson who I wouldn't say is just a pretty boy. Ditto for Clive Owen and Daniel Craig. Nic Cage might not kick ass but he's hardly a pretty boy. Personally, I don't think Matt Damon's a "feminine pretty boy". Sean Penn?