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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectYeah, its interesting. Let's look at this deeper:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500120
500120, Yeah, its interesting. Let's look at this deeper:
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-29-10 01:16 PM

>Josh Brolin has come up because he has this appeal also. tuff
>white dude with acting chops.

Yeah, there's a handful, but not very many. Harrison Ford
had this appeal. Eastwood certainly did. I think its a
generational thing. Metrosexualism really did wonders
for whiteboys....it hit everyone but REALLY hit white men.

I mean, Heath Ledger's sex appeal amongst WOMEN GREW FROM
PLAYING A HOMOSEXUAL. Just think about that for a second.
That would *never* happen with a black dude. Hell, Will
Smith still suffers from that little bit of gayness in
'Six Degrees'.

Gyllenhall has a little bit of the Crowe stuff, but he's still
has this uber intellectual Jewish kid swag to him that isn't
really very Russell-Crow like. Gyllenhall ain't fighting for
no broad.

Colin Farrell was supposed to have a little bit of it, but
that died with the Pony-Tail in 'Miami Vice'. LOL.

>as for feminine black dudes, not in hollywood, its our rampant
>over-exaggerated heterosexuality and learned homophobia. if
>you gunna act you better be comin off like a brutha from the
>block, no an "art fag" or the community wont support you find
>most feminine black dudes in the lit, fashion and
>teacher/profession worlds

Yeah, well, I think that's a tad extreme, but I hear you.

I think black men's appeal is either *humor* or *control*

Will Smith is classically a "light" and "sensitive" actor, but
he's still 6'2, 210 and commands a screen.

Denzel might be the film textbook definition of a leading man,
white or black. Perhaps the best of all time.

Cheadle has a little bit of it...sorta...women appreciate his
intellect and talent. He's still put in roles where he's fairly
commanding, though.

I think the best example of this oddity is how Larenz Tate's
career hasn't taken off. He's diminutive and relatively
effeminate, which is why his career hasn't taken off. Black
women like him, but white women would rather fuck Denzel, which
is why he'll never be a true Hollywood leading man. He's
certainly talented enough.

The best bet is for lighter-skinned black men to pick the mantle,
sort of like Obama did, because the public bought the sensitive,
intellectual stuff from Obama...one of the reasons he's a
transformative figure(culturally, even if not politically).


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