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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectyo, you need to update your Aussie material STAT
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=500062&mesg_id=500111
500111, yo, you need to update your Aussie material STAT
Posted by celery77, Fri Jan-29-10 01:02 PM
>He is Australian, though, which makes him gay-er than most
>Americans, meaning y'all should give the man his respect.

not to say that Paul Hogan or Steve Irwin are current or anything, but I mean calling Aussies gay? that just makes no sense. They're the upside down and 10 years behind USA, get it straight. One of their leading beers is simply called "XXXX", that's like as hetero as it gets, prolly where your man Crowe gets it from.

aAnd shit, you get Mel running around dropping them Sugar Tit bombs on Hollywood, you're just gonna have to do better with your core material before I really take this agenda seriously.