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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectGran Torino / Revolutionary Road
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=490253&mesg_id=494012
494012, Gran Torino / Revolutionary Road
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun Dec-27-09 11:31 PM
Grand Torino - What a laughable pile of garbage this movie was. Was there anything in this film that wasn't overdone? Clint was Clint, and his ignorance gets some laughs at first but jesus, every other sentence is zipperhead and gook. We get it... dude is racist, but only youtube commenters spit that many racial slurs on the regular. Then there's all the bad acting. mainly from anyone in this film not named Clint Eastwood. Sad thing is that it could have been decent if they'd toned it down some.

Revolutionary Road - Aesthetically pleasing depression fest. I liked it, but I'll probably never see it again. Loved it just in terms of tone. Respect to Roger Deakins and Thomas Newman for some very nice work.