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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectFor seriously - he's the guy who's a better actor than Will Smith
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=475742&mesg_id=476136
476136, For seriously - he's the guy who's a better actor than Will Smith
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Sep-17-09 09:30 PM
>Okay, but he's not a better actor than Will Smith.

yeah he is, actually.

>Coming from the guy who said 'Moon was one of the best
>Sci Fi films in years', I'll take that as an opposites day
>remark, and translate it into "I, Robot was fantastic"

coming from the guy who said 'Any Given Sunday is a masterpiece', I'll take that to mean you're posting from Bizarro World and translate it as "goddamn, I, Robot really fucking sucked."

>You know, deep down inside, that 'Moon' was boring,
>snooze material. It was really, really, bad.

like I said before, knowing that you require big explosions in a movie to keep you awake I guess I'll chalk that up to personal preference. but you'd be harder pressed to explain how it's pretentious than you'd be trying to explain why I, Robot isn't Short Circuit on steroids trying to be deep and hard-edged like Blade Runner but failing miserably.