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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subject*sigh*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=475742&mesg_id=475751
475751, *sigh*
Posted by spades, Wed Sep-16-09 10:23 AM
>No, the wording is fine.
>The problem is, you have a hard time believing that Smith
>is more artistic than Depp is, because it challenges all
>of your irrational preconceived notions.

Actually, my issues is I disagree w/your use of the work 'artistic' even you mention his production efforts and assuming a level of responsibility in his work that is commendable, I agree, but I don't think those are 'artistic' choices.

>Nothing "business" about producing 'The Secret Life of
>Bees'. He's doing it because he wanted that story on
>the silver screen.

You really don't think money factored into that? Also, how can you know his motivations?

>Same with the Pharaoh film. He could get lots more
>guaranteed money doing lots more safe projects.

Again, you know his motivations how?

>He takes these risks because he stands up for what he
>believes in, and believes that stories should be told.
>Don't make excuses for him just because its Will Smith.
>If he was white, you'd have no problem admitting to
>his artistic integrity.

Again, this has nothing to do w/black or white, I simply do not believe these things aren't rooted in 'artistry'